It was over 25 years ago. I was young and enthusiastic about life. There was nothing in this world that would get in my way of being a success. I had no clue that someday I would get tired and bored and settle for just OK.
I had been with a small company selling to strangers door-to-door. I was pretty good at it from the start. You could even say I was a natural. No matter what I did though, I just couldn't get my name at the top of the All Powerful Wall Chart. One evening, I was filling out my daily report and talking to one of my managers, Carlos Ortecho. Carlos was always upbeat and ready to engage. I asked him, "How do you get up there?" as I pointed to the wall chart. His reply was simple. "You got to want to! want to! want to!" he was so excited in his answer that spit sprayed from his lips and hit me on my shirt as I sat across the desk from him
He went on to tell me if you want to be the best at anything you have to want it more than anything and do whatever it takes to develop the skills and increase your knowledge in order to be successful. This was revolutionary to me. I look back now and realize how simple his advice was. Anyway, I took it to heart.
I became a self educator and learned how to overcome every rebuttal imaginable. I went to work on learning how people would react to what I would say and how to say things in such a way as to win their approval. This was huge. I spent nights in front of my mirror at home rehearsing my script and practiced looking myself in the eye when I did it. I bet my hard earned money against those guys at the top of the wall chart that I would out sell them on the day and on the week. I lost a weeks' pay once doing this. It didn't matter. I wanted to be the best.
As you can guess, I soon become the number one guy on the All Powerful Wall Chart to beat. I dedicated myself to growing and learning. I started reading sales books and leadership books (everything I could find). I did everything I could to be great. I even started working out like crazy and running to stay in shape and increase my energies. I had so much swagger.
I still remember my first week at being number one. I felt like I had arrived. I was high on life and there was nothing better than what I felt at that moment in time. Over the years though I have noticed that the enthusiasm and drive of being number one has waned some. I became OK with just being really good and a solid salesman with great closing skills. I was confident and delivered a reasonable amount of sales. There wasn't anyone who wouldn't want me on their sales team. I was seasoned and delivered.
I had lost my edge though. I became satisfied with doing a "good" job. Raising a family and spending time doing other things became the focus of my energies. There is nothing wrong with this at all. Life was good and I had become a success if it was measured by having a great family and earning enough to take care of everyone, get ahead, and be esteemed by my fellow man.
I was walking with my wife one evening after dinner and mentioned to her that I felt that I had lost a little bit of swagger. That my edge was not there like it used to be. I used to be so energetic and enthusiastic and convinced about about myself. Not arrogant but convinced. Selling had become repetitious and boring. I wasn't driven like I had been before. She, being honest had told me that she saw this as well.
This getting soft if you will is not just my phenomenon but is realized by many great sales people. Time and energy gets directed elsewhere. The excitement wanes and the passion dwindles for many who were once at the top of their game. It almost seems like part of the journey. But the great thing is that we can change paths and actualize different realities.
I challenge you to become your best again. It takes energy and drive. You know and have felt the ecstasy of being the best and you know what it feels like to be the one who sets the bar the highest. But do you want it? Do you really want it? Being one's best self is not for everyone. If you are happy being less than your best that's OK, for you. It's not OK for the Power Lenders out there.
If you want it, go get it. Upgrade your skill set. Leaders are readers! Read, if not for any reason but to increase your knowledge of the modern business speak. Start working out again. Really work out. I am not talking about 30 minutes on the treadmill. Get fired up and go be the best.
The only difference between those people who will do this and those who won't is this: the people who decide to be the best go and do it. You have to want to, want to, want to. Say it with me. Say it loud with spit flying from your lips.
If you are a Power Lender and want more information on becoming a factroing broker earning as much as 15% on the gross profits of each deal for the life of the account, contact Joe Kiefer at or call 513-400-6475.
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